Sorokin A.P., Trufanov A.A.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
Systems of the coolant purification are a necessary element any reactor installations. Owing to absence in our country of experience of the creation and maintenance of the purification systems which have been built in the reactor vessel there is a number of the new problems, one of which is raise of the purification systems productivity and capacity. Analysis of sodium purification systems in NPP with fast reactors from BR-5 to perspective fast reactor with high power such as cold traps and sorbents for purification from caesium, provided successful maintenance NPP with fast reactors cooled by sodium, the hot traps having a prospect of use for sodium purification from oxygen on NPP, has shown, that there are possibilities of raise of the purification system characteristics. The main directions of the works on raising of the purification system characteristics for the perspective NPP with the sodium coolant are recommended on the basis of the researches results. The cold trap should be an obligatory element of the purification system in primary contour of reactor installation which has been built in the reactor vessel. Hot traps can provide purification of the sodium coolant from oxygen in the primary contour at work of NPP both on a nominal condition and in parking regimes at coolant heating in them. Optimum solutions on sodium purification from radioactive impurity and not radioactive corrosion products with reference to fast reactors cooled by sodium demand purposeful R&D.
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