Ivanov K.D., Niyazov S.-A.S.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
During development of computational methods that describe the behavior of structural steels in contact with heavy liquid-metal coolants (HLMC) based on lead, the task of their constant ensuring arises. Such constant base can be obtained by appropriate processing, systematization and analysis of experimental data. Throughout this process, a number of problems and complexities arise, the main cause of which is the multiple-factor nature of the connectivity between the results of the experiment and the experimental conditions.
A brief analysis of the state of art of the problem of describing the processes of oxidation of structural steels in HLMC, as well as the main difficulties encountered in the processing, systematization and analysis of experimental data, is given in this paper. Among them are the following problems:
- the problem of the loss accounting of steel components in a liquid metal coolant;
- the problem of take of accounting for the main conditions of structural steels oxidation (time, temperature and oxygen conditions of the coolant);
- the problem of accounting for a possible change the oxidation mechanism over time;
- the problem of taking into account the initial state of the oxidized surface.
The possible ways of solving these problems are illustrated and instantiated.
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