Belonogov M.N.1,2, Volkov I.A.2, Dyrda N.D.2, Simonenko V.A.2
1. Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Eltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russia
2. Russian Federal Nuclear Center – Zababakhin Research Institute of Technical Physics, Snezhinsk, Russia
The work presents a concept of block molten salt reactor with separation of functions of production and energy transfer. The facility consists of several units that work in parallel regime. Each unit is a closed cylindrical vessel filled by fuel salt. The heat is removed by flushing of salt-coolant through the tubes, which are installed inside the volume. With such arrangement of heat removal, we completely exclude the loss of delayed neutrons, which is related to fuel salt movement, and operation of control and protection system is simplified. Unit configuration with immovable fuel salt permits to reduce the number of loops up to two.
The facility is equipped by movable protective shields that are necessary for isolation of the unit with the aim of routine servicing, repair work, or its replacement without reactor shutdown. The power of the facility is proportional to the number of units. This permits to widely vary the total power that is very important for hard-to-reach northern regions.
In many cases, resolving the task of optimization of arrangement and geometry of the core is related to conducting large number of multivariate calculations. That is why, we realized “dynamic” consistent neutron-physical and thermohydraulic calculation model of reactor unit with control parameters, which permitted to simplify unit geometry building and vary computation mesh refinement. We developed and implemented algorithm of rods of control and protection system movement. The work presents preliminary neutron-physical and thermohydraulic results of calculation, including the main neutron-physical characteristics of reactor unit, evolution of nuclide composition, field of temperatures and velocities.
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