Vereshchagina T.N.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
Some results obtained in the thermophysical department of the IPPE in the period 1990–2010 are presented in the article. The sharp dramatic reduction of government funding during that period forced the researchers of the IPPE to make efforts to convert the developments, to search for opportunities to apply their results in other fields. As a result, in the IPPE has developed works aimed to solving problems not only of the nuclear engineering, but also of other industries. As examples, some of the results of fundamental research, research and development supported by the ISTC, research for nuclear power developing countries. Examples of application of heat pipe technology in various industries are given. It is shown that thermophysicists of the SSC RF-IPPE on the turn of millennia not only obtaine experience in saiving, but also in the development of a scientific school in difficult economic conditions. I would like to hope that now, in a situation similar to that period the school of thermophysics in the IPPE will sawed.
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4. Vereshchagina T.N., Sorokin A.P., Frolov Yu.V., Levchenko Yu.A. Materialy k istorii rabot po teplofizike v Fiziko-energeticheskom institute [Materials to the history of work on thermophysics at the Physico-Energy Institute]. Obninsk, IPPE Publ., 2014. 176 p.
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16. Fedotovskiy V.S., Vereshchagina T.N., Terenik L.V. O kolebaniyakh trub s gazozhidkostnoy puzyr'kovoy sredoy [About oscillations of pipes with gas-liquid bubble medium]. Aktual'nyye problemy aviatsionnykh i aerokosmicheskikh sistem: protsessy, modeli, eksperiment – Actual problems of aviation and aerospace systems: processes, models, experiment, 2004, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 84–103.
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