Pityk A.V., Sakhipgareev A.R., Shlepkin A.S., Morozov A.V.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The results of experimental studies of the thermophysical properties (density and kinematic viscosity) of boric acid solutions in the concentration range 2.5-400 g/kg H2O at a temperature of 289-403 K is considered in the article. The problem of boric acid accumulation and crystallization in case of the accidents with main coolant circuit rupture and operation of passive safety systems (the hydroaccumulators systems of the first, second and third stages, as well as the passive heat removal system) is formulated. The review of the available literature data about thermal physical properties of the boric acid solution (density, viscosity and thermal conductivity) is presented. The fact that available data are of a general nature and does not cover the entire parameters range (temperature, pressure and concentration of acid) specific for the possible accidents at NPP with WWER is established. The methods of experimental research are described. Two stages of experimental studies of boric acid solutions density are presented: measurements at atmospheric pressure and at parameters characteristic for NPPs with WWER emergency modes. A description of a experimental facility used to the den-sity measure of highly concentrated boric acid solutions is presented. The operability of the given plant is proved by comparing the corresponding results obtained by the pycnometric method and by means of the setup. Experimental values of the kinematic viscosity of boric acid solutions in the concentration range 2.5-200 g/kg H2O at a temperature of 289-363 K are obtained by capillary viscosimetry method. The approximating dependences for the density and kinematic viscosity experimental values of the boric acid aqueous solutions are obtained.
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