Sakhipgareev A.R., Morozov A.V.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The results of an analysis of the experimental data on the effect of contact condensation of the steam-gas mixture on the operation of NPP passive safety systems with WWER and the steam generator in emergency condensing mode is considered in the article. The subcooled liquid supplied to the steam volume of the hydro accumulators can be used to increase the operating time of the WWER steam generator in the condensing mode therefore to provide the long-term cooling of the core in case of an accident. A characteristic feature of the studied processes is the low liquid outflow velocity (less than 1 m/sec), necessitated to provide a passive mode of safety systems operation.
The experiments were performed on the test facility with the working section "Condensation on the jets" with the parameters specific to the primary circuit of the reactor facility in 24 hours after the accident initiation, and different concentrations of the gas in the steam-gas mixture. It was established that the increase of the concentration of the nitrogen in the steam-nitrogen mixture in the volume the HA-2 model up to 60% reduce to a decrease the heat transfer coefficient to ~35 %.
The obtained data can be used for the numerical simulation of emergency processes in the WWER reactor facility during operation of the passive safety systems (the HA-2 system, passive heat removal system), with regard to the removal of the steam-gas mixture from the tube bundle of the steam generator by reducing of the pressure in the hydro accumulators of passive core flooding system by a supply of the subcooled liquid into their volume.
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