Sorokin A.P., Kuzina Ju.A., Ivanov E.F.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The solution of the problem of cooling fuel rods in the fuel assemblies of the core in emergency conditions, such as ULOF, causes the study of heat transfer during boiling of liquid metal coolants at reduced coolant flow rates or even overturning of circulation in fuel assemblies. There are only limited data about sodium boiling in bundles of fuel rods for regimes with low flow velocities of the coolant or natural convection. The results of a series of experiments on the boiling of sodium-potassium alloy in models of single fuel assemblies and in a system of parallel fuel assemblies in circuits with natural circulation carried out in JSC “SSC RF-IPPE” are presented. Also the results of experimental studies of heat transfer in the boiling of sodium in the FA model with a "sodium cavity" located above the reactor core in modes with natural and forced convection are presented. It was shown for the first time that in the presence of a "sodium cavity" in a fuel assembly designed to compensate for the positive sodium void reactivity effect in fast reactors under emergency situations with sodium boiling, it is possible to continuously cooling the fuel elements in fuel assemblies. The problems of further research are discussed.
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