Sorokin A.P., Kuzina Ju.A., Orlov A.I.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The similarity analysis and the following criteria and asymptotic solutions must be fully applied at planning and carry out the experimental study, generalizing its results. As academician S.S. Kutateladze notes "the external simplicity of the foundations of this analysis and the everincreasing multiparametric nature of the problems for physical and mathematical modeling lead to many misunderstandings and direct mistakes”. Liquid metals form a special class of coolants characterized by a significant volumetric heat capacity and high thermal conductivity, the coefficient of kinematic viscosity in which is much lower than the coefficient of thermal diffusivity, the Prandtl number is much less than one. The analysis results of the application of the similarity theory of the thermophysical processes to the modeling of hydrodynamics and heat transfer in liquid metals are presented: in channels of complex shape, in rod systems (reactor core and heat exchangers), temperature fields and coolant velocity in a hot chamber of a fast reactor in different operating modes. Practically direct modeling can be applied unlimitedly only for processes in which determined similarity numbers are functions of only geometric simplices of the system and one defining criterion. For example the presence of two defining criteria such as the numbers Re and Pr during heat exchange makes modeling much more difficult. With three defining criteria direct modeling is usually not feasible. In such cases, it is necessary to carring out the systematic multivariate experiments. The purpose of such modeling experiments is the real detection of effects solved by a very general mathematical model, but not impossible to carry out at the modern level of mathematical technologies, either analytically or in numerical studies.
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