Varseev E.V.1, Alekxeev V.V.2, Konovalov M.A.2
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
For simulation of reactor circuit equipment and components 3D computational fluid dynamics codes (CFD codes) are widely used today. Extending their functionaity for calculating mass transfer and using them along with best estimate codes can significantly increase the efficiency of a nuclear power plant's safety analysis. In this paper we consider the use of an open CFD code for simulation of impurity retention in purification devices, taking into account the transport of particulate phase, which is a real problem for both water cooled heat exchangers and liquid metal cooled reactors. The paper proposes an improved version of the solver for simulation OD heat and mass transfer in a sodium coolant, taking into account the simultaneous presence of both oxygen and hydrogen. The paper presents the results of test calculations in a channel with sodium using a modified solver. Based on this, the results of calculating the process of particulate transport and streamlines in the model are presented in the paper. The results of calculations can be used to analyze the operation of sodium purification devices from impurities.
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