Krasin V.P., Soyustova S.I.
Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia
Along with other liquid metals liquid lithium-tin alloys can be considered as an alternative to the use of solid plasma facing components of a future fusion reactor. Therefore, parameters characterizing both the ability to retain hydrogen isotopes and those that determine the extraction of tritium from a liquid metal can be of particular importance. The purpose of the present study is to develop the expressions for the calculation of Sieverts’ constant for hydrogen in the entire range of compositions of the binary Li-Sn system using the mathematical framework coordination-cluster model. The results of theoretical computations are compared with the previously published experimental values for two alloys of the Li-Sn system. The calculations which are carried out for temperature of 500°C have shown that the boundary concentration dividing regions of exothermic and endothermic reactions was displaced to higher values of the concentration of tin compared to what occurred at 800°C.
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