Osipov A.A., Ivanov K.D., Niyazov S.-A.S.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
This work concerns the problem of thermodynamic modeling of the interaction of iron and oxygen impurities in heavy liquid metal coolants (HLMC). Namely, a thermodynamic model was developed for the interaction of iron and oxygen impurities in heavy liquid metal coolants based on lead, which takes into account the formation of solid-phase oxide compounds of non-stoichiometric composition in HLMC and allows you to perform numerical calculations of the results of this interaction for different ratios of these components. Within the framework of this model, a method is proposed for determining the isobaric-isothermal potential for the formation of nonstoichiometric iron oxides and the numerical values of the constants for calculating this potential as a function of temperature and composition of oxides are obtained. A general system of equations with allowance for the assumptions made is given, which allows, depending on the initial conditions, to perform calculations of concentrations and activities of iron and oxygen in lead-based liquid metal melts as a function of temperature conditions and the initial content in the melt of these impurities under the assumption of equilibrium conditions. On the basis of the developed model, numerical estimates of the equilibrium values of the thermodynamic activity (TDA) of oxygen and their temperature dependences as a function of temperature and the content of iron impurity in the coolant are performed. The calculations performed are compared with experimental data from bench experiments on the introduction of iron impurity into the coolant flow. In general, a fairly good qualitative coincidence of results was demonstrated.
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