Osipov A.A., Ulyanov V.V., Koshelev M.M., Kharchuk S.E.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The pulsating nature of the measured parameters of the system is a fundamental property of many physical processes. For example, in liquid metals, temperature pulsations are associated, as a rule, with processes of turbulent transfer. The pulsating nature of changes in the system parameters makes it possible to obtain information on the state of the observed system. Depending on the task, this in-formation can be either additional or basic. In any case, I would like to understand the nature of the pulsations and be able to model them, which is important from both a practical and a fundamental aspect. On the practical side, pulsations are used and can be used to create correlation sensors. Despite some success in the problem of establishing quantitative relationships of the structural properties of pulsations with the transfer processes, in general, this issue is waiting to be resolved. In this paper, the correlation and structural functions of temperature pulsations in heavy liquid metals (lead, bismuth) are investigated in static and dynamic modes. It is shown that temperature pulsations in a liquid metal are associated with heat and mass transfer processes, are characterized by long correlations and can be described by fractal models both under conditions of natural convection and under conditions of forced metal movement. The effect of ejection of the hydrogen mixture into the lead-bismuth melt on the structural and correlation properties of temperature pulsations is established.
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