Alchagirov B.B., Kyasova O.Kh., Kokov Z.A.
Kabardino-Balkaria State University name after H.M. Berbekov, Nalchik, Russia
Progress in the study of the surface and thermophysical properties of liquid metal coolants are deter-mined by the level of development and the state of the used experimental equipment and research tech-nology, as in the other areas of science. Therefore, the solution of the problem of further improving the existing and developing new methods and devices for studying the physical chemistry of highly active liquid metal coolants of the new generation with the participation of alkali metals that are promising for use in nuclear power engineering is relevant in this direction. A special place is occupied by the problem of creating automated experimental facilities designed to track and study the dynamics of high-speed processes on the surfaces under examination among them. The paper describes an experimental setup developed and tested by the authors with a software package that made it possible to automate the processes of measuring, collecting and processing significant arrays of primary data on the temperature dependences of the surface tension of metals and their alloys in the liquid state. It allows you to track rapid changes in the most important energy characteristics of the substance surface in the condensed state — surface tension, occurring during the flow of various physicochemical processes on the surfaces of liquid metal coolants under conditions of adsorption of molecules from the gas atmosphere. The results obtained by the method of a lying drop of comparative measurements of the surface tension of high purity mercury used as a test object, demonstrated high reliability and capabilities of the new automated installation. Measurements were carried out in continuous mode on the same sample surface, under high static vacuum and in atmospheres of various gases (dry air, nitrogen, oxygen, etc.).
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