Kornienko Yu.N.
Experimental and Design Organization "GIDROPRESS", Podolsk, Russia
The wall friction, heat and mass transfer coefficients, which are the basis of 1D thermal hydraulics models of nuclear power units with VVER, are semi-empirical in nature and therefore limited both in the domain of definition and in the list of effects to be taken into account. The paper presents a generalized analytical quasi-1D (q1D) method for taking into account the 3D effects of the flow structure in these coefficients, expanding their scope for the conditions of a two-phase non-equilibrium coolant flow, in particular, such as subcooled boiling, "saddle-shaped" vapor-gas profile, the contribution of natural convection, injection (suction), and the like. This approach combines methods based on the application of generalized mass forces (V.K. Shchukin) and generalized separation of variables (A.D. Polyanin). The analytic derivation of generalized forms of Lyon type integrals is presented for the required coefficients with reflection of the contribution of non-homogeneous distributions of variables. It shows the implementation of the "correspondence principle" for asymptotic transitions to previous theories and gives examples of the application of the proposed method, including the anomalous behavior of the friction and heat transfer coefficients.
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