Ulyanov V.V., Askhadullin R.Sh., Melnikov V.P., Gulevskiy V.A., Koshelev M.M., Storozhenko A.N.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The possibilities of innovative use of fusions of fusible metals (Pb, Pb-Bi) in the solution of hi-tech tasks are considered. The main actions for control and maintenance of quality of heavy liquid metal coolant in reactor installations and research stands of the Russian Federation taking into account operating experience of the lead-bismuth coolant in transport reactors are proved. The directions of innovative use of fusions of lead and the eutectic alloy of lead with bismuth, including in problems of processing of solid, liquid and gaseous raw materials are presented. Theoretically both the possibility of realization is experimentally proved and the prospects of thermoelectrochemical decomposition of water in liquid metal with receiving gaseous hydrogen and oxygen, receiving synthesis gas (mix of hydrogen and monoxide of carbon) from organic raw materials in the liquid-phase metal-oxide cycles "lead-lead oxide", liquid metal pyrolysis of solid organic polymeric waste with receiving the whole range of commodity products are confirmed, to distillation of water solutions without preliminary water treatment, synthesis of nanomaterials in liquid metal matrix.
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