Voronin I.A., Melnikov V.P., Yagodkin I.V., Posazhennikov A.M., Legkikh A.Yu., Nikolaev A.N.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
For the processing of radioactive waste is possible to use a variety of methods. One of the promising methods is the processing of metal radioactive waste (MRW) using smelting units. The article shows the possibility of using a eutectic lead-bismuth alloy for cooling the melting unit. Estimates show that when the body of the melting unit is cooled by a lead-bismuth eutectic, it is possible in principle to maintain the temperatures of the steel surfaces, not exceeding the allowable values. To solve this problem, a schematic diagram of an experimental setup for testing the MRW decontamination processes was developed, using lead-bismuth eutectic for cooling the hull. Gas purification systems at industrial enterprises are considered and on the basis of their analysis, as well as taking into account the specifics of the work, a gas purification system has been developed, which includes several elements: a precipitator, dilution sites, filters of preliminary and highly efficient cleaning. Tested experimental setup. A decontamination factor was obtained, which is more than three times the design value.
For preparing this paper we used the results that had been obtained the course of implementation of the project of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science – “Development of a technology of utilization of metal radioactive waste on the basis of melting units with liquid-metal heat removal”. The unique identifier of PNIER (Applied Research and Experimental Developments) is RFMEFI62614X0002.
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