Ivanov K.D., Niyazov S.-A.S., Gurbich A.F.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The paper presents the results of the study of the initial stage of oxidation of austenitic steel 12X18H10T in water vapor, which were obtained using a method of research of thin surface layers of steel, based on the analysis of nuclear reaction products in the interaction of oxygen with accelerated ion beams.
Austenitic 18 % chromium steel 12X18H10T is one of the structural steels used in reactor installations with heavy liquid metal coolant (HLMC) in the region is relatively high (T<350 °C) temperatures. In test benches and experimental installations the temperature area of use of this steel is much wider.
Studies of this steel, especially in the field of low temperatures or short time intervals of exposure of samples, where there are significant methodological difficulties, are of some scientific interest. In addition, the study of the oxidation of structural steels directly in gaseous media, including water vapor, are of great practical importance. It is because these modes of oxidation are used as special technological operations of formation of oxide films on the individual elements and the equipment of the first circuits of nuclear power plant (NPP) with HLMC on the basis of lead and its alloys.
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