Mitenkova E.F., Novikov N.V., Solovyova E.V.
Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
The computational methods of improved accuracy for neutronic process simulation in modern codes cause the new problems to substantiate the calculated characteristics and final errors, that requires the new approaches and computational tools. The traditional comparison of Calculation and Experiment results is often impossible due to the incompleteness of description of the experiment, the lack of necessary experimental data and underestimation of the experimental errors. In addition, verification of modern neutronic codes requires significantly more “reference” data than those, presented in benchmarks. The objective difficulties to obtain the experimental data of desired accuracy in the right amount necessitate the additional means for modern code benchmarking. A computational experiment, providing the “interval” values for key characteristics can be useful tool when testing modern neutronic codes under advanced simulation conditions. The problem of benchmarking is considered for nuclide kinetics problems when using the full element basis of fission products yields. The Computational Experiment is used to simulate the experiment with uranium sample irradiation in BN-350 reactor under conditions of incomplete description of the Physical Experiment.
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