Moseev A.L., Dekusar V.M., Korobeinikov V.V., Eliseev V.A.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The aim of the work is to study the possibility of long-term management of а developing or non-developing nuclear power system. The concept of fuel supply control is introduced. Nuclear power systems with different structural organization of generating capacities and a closed nuclear fuel cycle are considered. A comparison is made of these systems in terms of their development potential, ratio between the number of thermal and fast reactors and the possibilities of fuel supply. It is noted that the ratio is determined by the breeding characteristics, the balance of plutonium and natural uranium in the system, as well as the needs for NP development. A feature of the two-component systems of nuclear reactors considered in the work, consisting of thermal reactors of different types and fast reactors BN-1200, is that the SNF stocks of all types of reactors are completely processed during the considered time interval and all the excess separated plutonium is used to manufacture MOX fuel. The requirements to the characteristics of fast reactor breading are put forward. The important role of mastered and promising technologies with the possibility of their flexible adaptation to changes in the nuclear power development scale and rate is emphasized. It is shown that the system including advanced fast neutron sodium reactors having flexible breading can offer increased tolerance to pos-sible changes in the nuclear power development rate. The results of simulation of fuel cycle scenarios for the considered two-component nuclear energy system are presented.
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