Glebov A.P., Baranaev Yu.D., Moskovchenko I.V., Kirillov P.L.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The nuclear reactor cooled by supercritical pressure water – SCWR (Supercritical Water-cooled Reactor) is adopted as one of the promising reactors of the IV-generation. SCWR conceptual proposals are developed by more than 45 organizations in 16 countries with developed nuclear energy.
The SCWR concept is based on the implementation of a single-circuit direct-flow scheme of nuclear power plants cooled by SKD water. The introduction of reactors of this type will increase the efficiency up to 45 %, increase the coefficient of fuel reproduction, reduce metal consumption and construction volumes, improve economic and environmental performance.
Countries participating in the MFP in the direction of SCWR consider the development of a reactor with a thermal spectrum of neutrons and uranium fuel to be a priority, but in the subsequent stages, with an increase in problems with the storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and Junior actinides (MA), it is possible to move to a reactor with a fast neutron spectrum, MOX fuel and a closed fuel cycle (ZTC).
For ~10 years, the SSC RF — FEI and OKB "Gidropress" have been working together on the conceptual design of VVER-SKD – single-circuit RP with SCD coolant with a fast-resonance neutron spectrum with a capacity of Ne=1700 MW. This rector is recognized as the prospect of development of VVER technology with the possibility of using uranium fuel and the transition in the future to MOX-based fuel (U-Pu-Th) and to ZTZ. Rosatom recognizes this area as an innovative one, and has signed systemic agreements on Russia's participation in the work of the MFP in the SCWR direction.
The paper presents the results of computational studies on the main version of the high-power reactor, as well as the test N=30 MW.
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