Volkov Yu.N.1, Kruglikov A.E.1, Zizin M.N.2, Boyarinov V.F.2, Nevinitsa V.A.2, Fomichenko P.A.2, Bobrov A.A.2
1 National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Moscow, Russia
2 National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia
The paper presents the comparison of stationary and nonstationary experiments carried out at the ASTRA critical facility and calculation by SHIPR software-based system. The experiments to define of radial speeds distributions of 235U fission reactions rates were considered and simulated as stationary experiments. The results obtained in the course of calculations of these configurations can fully illustrate the effect of the presence of introduced control rod bodies and absorbing elements in the internal reflector on the accuracy of calculating the energy distribution in the core of the ring type. The revealed trends in the behavior of the distribution of 235U fission reaction rates when introducing control rods into the internal reflector emphasize the importance of a detailed analysis of the arrangement of control rods in the plane of the core and the algorithmization of their movement during the campaign. Experiments on the determination of kinetic parameters by the Simons-King pulse method were considered as nonstationary experiments. The results show good agreements with experiment in the calculations of both stationary and nonstationary experiments.
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