Kuzina Ju.A., Sorokin A.P.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The article presents the results of experimental and analytical studies carried out at the SSC RF – IPPE in the field of physical chemistry, mass transfer, technology and innovative applications of alkaline liquid metal coolants. An integrated approach to the study of coolants as a complex multi component heterogeneous system, the state of which is determined by the interaction of coolant – impurities – structural (technological) materials – protective gas, was substantiated. Thermodynamic analysis and experimental studies of the coolants properties and the kinetics of their interaction with air, water, hydrogen, structural and technological materials determined the sources of impurities and their intensity. It is shown that for temperature parameters of modern NPPs, the required concentration of impurities in sodium and sodium-potassium alloy, can be provided by purification the coolants by cold traps. The deeper purification of ciilants required for use in high-temperature installations of niobium, tungsten, vanadium, tantalum is achieved by getters (hot traps). This method can also be applied when limiting the weight and size characteristics, for example, for a space NPP. A fundamentally new combined purification system from impurities was proposed and substantiated for a high-
temperature NPP for the production of hydrogen with a sodium coolant temperature of ~900 °C. As a result of the development of alkaline liquid metal coolants, liquid metal technology has been proposed in various technical applications: sodium at nuclear power plants with fast neutron reactors, sodium and sodium potassium in the metallurgical and chemical industries; sodium-potassium, cesium,
lithium — in space installations; lithium – in fusion reactors – thermonuclear reactors.
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