Legkih A.Yu., Skomorokhov A.N., Sadovnichy R.P.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
Currantly, to ensure the protection of structural steels from corrosion and erosion influence of the lead coolant, a passivation technique of steel serfaces are chosen. To implement the passivation technique in the process of reactor loop operation it is required the continuous monitoring of the oxidation potential of the lead coolant and its correction, in the case of going beyond the established boundaries. To control the oxidation potential in the lead coolant the oxygen activity sensors are used. In this case, the measured parameter is the thermodynamic activity of oxygen. As a parameter, which characterize the level of oxidative potential of the coolant, the concentration of oxygen dissolved in the lead coolant is used. The relationship between the concentration and the oxygen thermodynamic activity is carried out by the solubility of oxygen in liquid lead. The paper is dedicated to the calculated estimation of oxygen solubility uncertainty in the liquid lead on the basis of available experimental data and its contribution to the uncertainty of oxygen concentration dissolved in the lead coolant.
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