DOI: 10.55176/2414-1038-2019-4-5-14
Authors & Affiliations
Nikolaev A.L., Uvakin M.A.
Experimental and Design Organization "GIDROPRESS", Podolsk, Russia
Nikolaev A.L. – Design engineer 3 categories, Experimental and Design Organization "GIDROPRESS". *Contacts: 21, Ordzhonikidze st., Podolsk, Moscow region, Russia, 142103. Tel.: +7 (964) 863-61-37; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Uvakin M.A. – Leading Engineer-designer, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Experimental and Design Organization "GIDROPRESS".
The verification of the method for acceleration the calculation of slow transition xenon processes based on the use of the similarity theorem were done in this paper. For this purpose experiments with spatial xenon oscillations were calculated by using this method. Two experiments were considered in this work: in the first experiment initiation of xenon oscillations was realized by injection of boron acid in primary circuit and following reactor plant power decreasing, in the second experiment initiation of xenon oscillations was realized by control rod group movement. The calculation results were compared with calculation results of analogical experiments without using calculation acceleration method and experimental data. Additionally calculations of daily maneuvering cycle with electrical power level changing on graph 100-70-100 % Nnom and using calculation acceleration method were performed. These calculations were done for AES-2006 project VVER reactor plant. The calculation results were compared with calculation results of analogical daily maneuvering cycle without using calculation acceleration method. Some conclusions on the possibility of using the calculation acceleration method for calculations of long-term xenon processes were made. The calculations were performed by using KORSAR/GP code.
VVER, power maneuvering, xenon processes, KORSAR/GP, verification, the calculation acceleration method
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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UDC 621.039.56
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants", 2019, issue 4, 4:1