Zalesova А.S., Nikolaev A.A.
Experimental and Design Organization "GIDROPRESS", Podolsk, Russia
The main features of the SN-block of program FRIGATE aimed at optimizing the processes of calcu-lated justification are considered in this paper. The original features of program FRIGATE are noted, in particular, the ability to perform calculations on grids composed of arbitrary hexahedrons (including those containing non-planar faces) with an arbitrary way of joining grid cells along their faces. The program implements a wide range of boundary conditions (reflection, periodicity, rotational symmetry, surface source), which allow to create economical grid approximations of reactors with a high level of spatial detail and high quality of the form of the vast majority of hexahedral grid cells. FRIGATE program allows to perform calculations with quadratures with local thickening of nodes to account for the contribution of the effect of radiation through channels, cracks and gaps in structures. Also in the program FRIGATE the ability is implemented to calculate the method of "bootstrapping" large models in case of lack of computer memory in the calculation of the problem.
The results of verification possibilities SN-block of program FRIGATE on two special developed problems and benchmark-experiment of fast reactor JOYO are presented in this paper.
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