DOI: 10.55176/2414-1038-2020-1-50-58
Authors & Affiliations
Skobelev A.N., Nikolaev A.A.
Experimental and Design Organization "GIDROPRESS", Podolsk, Russia
Skobelev A.N. – design engineer 2 categories.
Nikolaev A.A. – eputy of department chief, Cand. Sci. (Techn.). Contacts: 21, Ordzhonikidze st., Podolsk, Moscow region, Russia, 142103. Tel.: +7(495)502-79-13; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Using the example of calculating the thermal neutron flux density in an ionization chamber, where a methodically
correct solution is required to be obtained only within a fragment of the computational model,
and particle transport from the source to the studied region can be carried out in a more rough approximation,
the use of DSN-DSN schemes discrete ordinate method on grids with a completely heterogeneous
structure in combination with the submodeling method. The paper presents the results of calculating the
thermal neutron flux density and the number of fission reactions in the sensitive part of an ionization chamber
located in a concrete radiation protection shaft using the FRIGATE program (DSN method using the
submodeling method) and cross-validation with the TDMCC program (Monte-Carlo method). The work continued
the study, aimed at verifying the method of submodeling by spatial, angular, and energy variables,
recommended for use in radiation protection calculations by deterministic codes. Cross-verification was performed
using the FRIGATE DSN program and the TDMCC Monte Carlo code using the example of calculating
the thermal neutron flux density and the number of fission reactions in the sensitive part of the fission ionization
chamber. Verification results showed good agreement between the considered functionals (constant
methodological discrepancy within 25 %). The obtained results confirm the effectiveness of using DSN programs
in combination with irregular grids and the submodeling method in radiation protection calculations.
submodelling, reactor plant, thermal neutron flux, fission chamber, FRIGATE, TDMCC.
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2020, issue 1, 1:5