Korobeinikov V.V.1, Kolesov V.V.2, Terekhova A.M.2, Karazhelevskaya Yu.E.2
1A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
2Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
Minor actinides (MA) — primarily, isotopes of neptunium, americium, and curium - attract particular
attention due to their long-term radiotoxicity. Measures to reduce the increase in the number of minor
actinides have not yet been taken their total number in the world is growing, and will reached more
than 200 tons by 2020. Note that minor actinides, as well as nuclides formed as a result of neutron
capture, have the ability to share, so it is necessary to investigate whether the nuclear reactor can
work if only they are used as fuel? The paper examined the possibility of using fuels from MA alone in
reactors without uranium or plutonium. From the results of comparing the fission and capture cross
sections, it follows that fuel in the form of Am or Np-237 can only use a fast neutron reactor, since in
the thermal and intermediate spectra the capture cross section significantly exceeds the fission cross
section. The results of calculations of the active zones of a model fast reactor with fuel from one americium
or neptunium-237 demonstrated the high speed of their transmutation and burning out.
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