DOI: 10.55176/2414-1038-2020-1-177-204
Authors & Affiliations
Kuzina Yu.A., Sorokin A.P.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
Kuzina Ju.A. – Deputy Director General – Director of Nuclear Energetic Department Cand. Sci. (Tech.).
Sorokin A.P.1 – Dr. Sci.Tech., Main Researcher of Thermophysical Department. Contacts: 1, pl. Bondarenko, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249033, tel.: (484) 399-84-47, e-mail:
The results of experimental and theoretical calculations of fundamental research in the field of hydrodynamics, heat transfer, physical chemistry and nuclear power technology cooled by water and liquid metal coolants are analyzed, problems and tasks of further research are formulated. The effects and physical phenomena, laws and characteristics for a wide range of processes occurring in the first and second circuits of reactor facilities, including the flow part, the core, the heating equipment, the means of monitoring and cleaning coolants from impurities as applied to watercooled thermal neutron reactors, fast liquid metal reactors, fusion plants, etc. Particular attention in the field of hydrodynamics and heat transfer is given to studies of the heat transfer crisis in watercooled reactors, hydrodynamics of collector systems, stratification and mixing of jets, vibroacoustics, turbulent transfer in complex channels, heat transfer in the channels and assemblies of fast reactor fuel elements, contact thermal resistance, boiling in large volume and bundles of fuel rods, condensation of liquid metals. In the field of physical chemistry and the technology of liquid metal coolants, the types of impurities and the sources of their entry into the coolants for various nuclear power plants, the characteristics of the mass and heat transfer processes in the circuits and equipment of reactor facilities with liquid metal coolants (sodium, potassium, lithium, lead, bismuth lead), the efficiency of using various purification devices (cold and hot traps) and monitoring the state of impurities in coolants are analyzed.Problem questions and suggestions for further research are formulated. Information is given on the key thermophysical problems of basic research in relation to the development of innovative nuclear energy technologies: water-cooled reactors with supercritical water pressure, high-temperature fast reactors with sodium coolant for hydrogen production, thermonuclear installations, nuclear power plants with liquid-metal space coolants.
nuclear reactors, water, liquid metals, experiment, calculation codes, reactor tank, collector systems,
fuel assemblies of fuel elements, hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer, turbulent transfer, contact
thermal resistance, heat transfer crisis, boiling, condensation, physical chemistry, technology, impurities,
control, purification, innovative nuclear energy technologies.
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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