Balovnev A.V., Davidov V.K., Zhirnov A.P., Ivanyuta A.N., Moiseev A.V., Soldatov E.O., Yufereva V.A.
One of the actual task at present is the substantiation of the project of the pilot demonstration reactor with a lead coolant BREST-OD-300. For the implementation of large-scale development of nuclear power, which meets modern requirements for new generation reactors, a competitive commercial power unit BR-1200 with an electric capacity of 1200 MW is being designed. To solve complex problems in the study for the optimal configurations of the core, it is required to develop a system of design codes that allows us to perform works on physical design and safety justification. System of codes includes the diffusion software package FACT-BR, the precision software package MCU-BR and the thermosphysical module IVIS-BR. The system is designed to conduct accurate studies of the physical characteristics during the design and computational support of a fast reactor with a lead coolant operating in a closed nuclear fuel cycle. The article provides a brief description of the system of codes. To demonstrate the capabilities of the system of codes, test calculation of the BR-1200 core was carried out.
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