DOI: 10.55176/2414-1038-2020-3-51-62
Authors & Affiliations
Lapin A.S., Bobryashov A.S., Blandinsky V.Y., Bobrov E.A.
National Research Center “Kurchatov institute”, Moscow, Russia
Lapin A.S. – Technician. Contacts: 1, Akademika Kurchatova pl., Moscow, Russia, 123182. Tel.: +7 (915) 129-54-14; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Bobryashov A.S. – Technician.
Blandinskiy V.Y. – Scientific Secretary of the Kurchatov Complex of Advanced Nuclear Energy, Cand. Sci. (Techn.).
Bobrov E.A. – Head of the Laboratory of Fuel Cycles and Transmutation, Cand. Sci. (Techn.).
Nowadays nuclear energy operates in an open fuel cycle. One of the most important directions in the development of nuclear energy is the closure of the nuclear fuel cycle. The solution to this problem is possible with the use of fast neutron reactors. To achieve this goal, the possibility of using a reactor with a fast-resonance neutron spectrum cooled by supercritical water (SCWR) was considered. The SCWR reactor can be effectively used in a closed nuclear fuel cycle, since it makes it possible to use spent fuel and dump uranium with a small amount of plutonium added.
The layout options of the core with a change in the size of the core and reproduction zones are considered. The possibility of placing reproduction zones from various materials inside the active zone was evaluated. Based on the studies, an acceptable version of the core is selected in terms of system characteristics. For the considered arrangement of the reactor core, the possibility of shorting the uranium-plutonium and uranium-thorium fuel cycles has been investigated. The system characteristics of the reactor installation were studied for the following fuel load options:
1. Loading MOX fuel into the core, depleted uranium in the lateral zone of reproduction.
2. Loading of uranium-thorium fuel into the core and side screens.
The results of the assessments of the system characteristics of the reactor are considered in the article.
supercritical coolant, neutron physics, closed fuel cycle, system characteristics, nuclear fuel burnout, uranium-thorium fuel, reproduction coefficient
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2020, issue 3, 3:5