Grabezhnaya V.A., Mikheyev A.S., Kryukov A.E.
The BREST-OD-300 steam generator project being developed at NIKIET is pioneering both in terms of the heat carrier used (lead) and in design implementation (coils of helical heat transfer tubes). The advantages of the designs of steam generators made in the form of helical coiled tubes, in comparison with straight tube designs are obvious. Helical coiled tubes are used in heat exchange equipment not only to increase the heat transfer surface, to solve the problem of thermal expansion, but also to increase the coefficient of heat transfer to the fluid flowing inside the tubes. In 2011–2017 years the thermohydraulic tests of various models of lead-heated steam generator were carried out at the IPPE SPRUT facility (IPPE). The test program was aimed to study the heat transfer and the thermal-hydraulic stability of the steam generating tubes. Throughout the entire range of changes in operating parameters, no pulsating modes were detected with overturn of circulation in the water circuit. The design temperatures of superheated steam were obtained in nominal operation. The results provide extensive information on water heat transfer in different zones of the steam generating channel under various operating conditions (nominal and partial modes, starting modes). However, to verify the computer codes, experimental data on the heat transfer of lead coolant around the bundles of heat transfer tubes are necessary. Due to the small twist angle of the tubes in a full-scale steam generator, it can be said that heat transfer is close to heat transfer during transverse flow. A model with a transverse flow of lead coolant around steam-generating tubes was developed at the SSC RF – IPPE. The main goal of the research was to obtain data on the effect of oxygen concentration in lead on heat transfer in normal heat transfer modes and with lead freezing. Throughout the entire range of changes in the initial temperature values of lead and water, blocking of the annular space by frozen lead was not recorded.
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Atomnaya energiya – Atomic Energy, 2019, vol. 127, no. 4, pp. 11–18.