DOI: 10.55176/2414-1038-2021-3-35-48
Authors & Affiliations
Enin S.A.1,2, Belozerova A.R.1, Pavlov V.V.1, Chernisheva T.I.1
1 Research Institute of Atomic Reactors, Dimitrovgrad, Russian Federation
2 National Research Nuclear University MEPHI, Dimitrovgrad, Russian Federation
Enin S.A.1,2 – Postgraduate, National Research Nuclear University MEPHI, Engineer of the 2nd category JSC “State Scientific Center – Research Institute of Atomic Reactors”. Contacts: 9, Zapadnoye Shosse, Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region, 433510. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Belozerova A.R.1 – Senior Researcher, Cand. Sci. (Phys. and Math.).
Pavlov V.V.1 – Lead Engineer.
Chernisheva T.I.1 – Lead Engineer, JSC “State Scientific Center – Research Institute of Atomic Reactors”.
A program for refining the energy spectra of neutron radiation in the neutron trap, core and reflector of the SM-3 reactor after modernization using the certified equipment and verified methods is presented in the article. The relevance of the article lies in familiarization with the experimental implementation of the methods in order to compare the experimental neutron-physical characteristics of the reactor before and after the last reconstruction. During the program creation, the previous experience of spectrometric measurements was taken into account, as well as experiments were carried out under conditions close to those of spectrometry after reconstruction. The results of the research are necessary for the planning of irradiation experiments and verification of calculation methods for determining the neutron-physical characteristics. The results of the described researches cover most science and technology areas, many aspects of human practice, including healthcare. The authors presented results of accompanying experiments, which made it possible to work out the regulations and features of short-term measurements. The developed and optimized program of neutron spectrometry in the SM-3 reactor channels will allow to obtain reliable information on the density of neutron fluxes for the first time after modernization to verify analytical data and to optimize the use of the SM-3 reactor facility to increase the production of transplutonium elements and radionuclide products.
neutron field spectrometry; energy spectrum of neutron radiation; neutron activation detector; SM reactor; neutron trap; reactor core; beryllium reflector; activation method of neutron measurements
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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