Sorokin A.P., Kuzina Yu.A., Berensky L.L., Denisova N.F., Tikhomirov B.B.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
A description is presented of the developed
methodology and program for calculating the maximum temperature of the cladding
of fuel elements and temperature irregularity along the perimeter of fuel
elements in the fast reactors fuel assembly taking into account interchannel
exchange with the distribution of channel cross-sections and heat generation of
fuel elements according to a random law using the Monte Carlo method.
Investigations of the temperature field with a random distribution of the flow
cross-sections of the channels and the heat generation of the fuel elements
showed that the averaged values of the maximum cladding temperature of the fuel
elements are in the interval between the corresponding values for the tightly
compressed and maximally extended bundle, and the averaged values of the
temperature nonuniformity along the perimeter of the fuel elements are higher
than when calculated using the average bundle parameters. Interchannel exchange
to a certain degree aligns the temperature field on the periphery of the fuel
assembly and to a large degree aligns local irregularities due to random
changes in parameters. It is shown that the standard deviation of the maximum
temperature of the cladding of fuel elements is 3.7% of the value (), and the standard deviation of the
temperature irregularity along the perimeter of the fuel elements is 12% of
the maximum temperature irregularity along the perimeter of the fuel elements
in the fuel assembly. It is recommended to carry out calculations of the
maximum fuel element cladding temperature using the average statistical
parameters of the bundle. The dispersion of the maximum surface temperature of
the fuel elements should be calculated with a general change in the flow cross
sections of the channels and the heat generation of the fuel elements, and not
as a superposition under the separate action of these parameters. The
calculated value of the overheating factor, assessed by existing methods,
should be refined using the results obtained.
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