Belyaev I.A.1,2, Sardov P.A.1,2, Listratov Ya.I.2
1 Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 National Research University “MPEI”, Moscow, Russia
The work is devoted to study of mixed
convection of liquid metal in a vertical pipe. In a non-isothermal flow of
liquid metal, under influence of a magnetic field, contribution of
thermogravitational convection is significant. Under certain conditions and
configurations of MHD heat transfer, thermogravity convection can cause
low-frequency temperature fluctuations of anomalous amplitude. Study was
carried out in the configuration - downward flow of liquid metal under
influence of a transverse magnetic field and non-uniform heating. Data obtained
include time-averaged temperature fields, distributions of local wall
temperatures and statistical characteristics of temperature fluctuations in
flow. Alleged MHD configurations close to conditions of TOKAMAK-type hybrid and
thermonuclear reactors were studied using mercury as a model coolant. The paper
presents found limits of complete suppression (for Hartmann numbers more than
800) of low-frequency temperature fluctuations under conditions of non-uniform
heating and a strong magnetic field. Possible dependences of dimensionless
complexes and region of existence of unsteady heat transfer effects are
discussed. Modes with low-frequency temperature fluctuations were compared with
previous results and qualitatively coincide with the data obtained using
numerical simulation.
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DOI: Доступно на:
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