Sorokin A.P., Kuzina Yu.A., Denisova N.A.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
Significant non-uniformities in the coolant temperature field associated with high heating of the liquid metal coolant (150–200 °C)
and a levelling effect of inter-channel mixing on the velocity and temperature
fields of the coolant due to flow swirling by spaced spiral wire wrap on fuel
rods are the most characteristic features of thermal hydraulics in fuel
assemblies (FA) of fast reactor core, which have a decisive effect on the
formation of velocity and temperature fields in fuel assemblies in all
operating conditions. The paper presents the results of complex experimental
and computational studies of the physics, hydrodynamic characteristics and heat
transfer in fuel assemblies with spaced spiral wire wrap on fuel rods obtained
at the IPPE JSC: velocity and temperature fields of the coolant, inter-channel
mixing of the coolant, hydraulic resistance of the fuel assemblies. A high
intensity of inter-channel convective transfer of mass, momentum and energy in
fuel assemblies due to the flow swirling by wire wrap of various types is
shown. Calculation models of the inter-channel heat transfer and
recommendations for calculating of the heat transfer characteristics and
hydraulic resistance of fuel bundles with spaced wire wrap are presented. The
results of computational studies by using MIF-2 code developed at the IPPE JSC
for numerical simulation of hydrodynamics and heat transfer in fast reactor
fuel assemblies with spaced spiral wire wrap on fuel rods and the comparison
with the results of independent experiments and calculations on foreign codes
are presented.
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