Makhin V.M., Podshibyakin A.K.
Experimental and Design Organization “GIDROPRESS”, Podolsk, Russia
Phenomena are considered with signs of “cliff edge effects” as per definitions of IAEA and NP-001-15: degradation of the protective barrier – fuel rod claddings in surface boiling mode with depositions of impurities and
borates on their surface and heating – up of claddings as well as the mode with departure from nucleate boiling on the fuel rod cladding. In spite of the fact
that the first phenomenon was previously unknown, safety of the Unit is ensured
by decisions made in the project. The mode with DNB was studied and measures
were taken in project of reactor plant not allowing DNB under normal operating
conditions and anticipated operational occurrences. Protection against DNB is
obviously ensured by decrease in the reactor power due to operation of control
systems and scram. The phenomena do not take place until they reach the state
of “cliff edge effects” (as per terminology of IAEA and federal RF NP) and they
are prevented at the initial stages. The reactor self-protection against DNB
development can be implemented for a small size reactor, which is partial
washing out of fuel with insertion of negative reactivity with subsequent
decrease in power and DNB termination.
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