Ivanov K.D., Niyazov S.-A.S., Osipov A.A.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
Some features of the oxidation of structural
steels in HLMC, associated with the presence of iron impurities in these heat
carriers, are considered. The influence of this impurity on the oxidative
potential of the coolant and on the oxidation rate of structural steels is
demonstrated using specific examples.
A mechanism for the formation of an external oxide layer in the form of
a non-stoichiometric magnetite of variable composition in the HLMC is proposed
as a result of the combined action of the processes of condensation of iron
monoxide and a chemical reaction involving oxygen in the form of lead monoxide.
It is shown that
within the framework of this mechanism, the quantitative characteristics of the
observed experimental dependences of the oxidation rates of various steels as a
function of the partial pressure of oxygen in the HLMC are explained.
Currently, the
main parameter that determines the oxygen regime of the coolant is not the
total oxygen content, but its thermodynamic activity (TDA). This value is a
certain way, normalized partial pressure of oxygen, which is measured by special
sensors of thermodynamic activity of oxygen (DAC).
When studying the
process of oxidation of steels to study its mechanism and the kinetics of the
flow, one of the determining parameters is the rate of oxidation of steel,
which largely determines the resource of its operation in contact with HLMC, as
well as the amount of oxygen introduced into the coolant necessary to maintain
the required oxygen regime. At the same time, establishing the relationship of
this parameter with the value of oxygen TDA or with the partial pressure of
oxygen is one of the important tasks of these studies.
The phenomenon of
changing the mechanism of oxidation of steels in HLMC with a decrease in the
partial pressure of oxygen below the “critical” value is analyzed. It is shown
that it is associated with the process of increasing the TDA of the iron
impurity in the coolant and with a corresponding decrease in the flow of iron
from steel to the outer boundary of the oxide layer.
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