Korsun A.S., Pisarevsky M.I., Pisarevskaya Yu.N., Fedoseev V.N.
National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia
There is roughness in the heat exchange equipment of power plants. Artificial roughness is used to intensify heat
transfer, natural roughness is formed during the operation of heat exchange
equipment. The article presents a model for the description of the mechanical
interaction of a turbulent flow with a rough wall. The model is based on the
most well-established experimentally confirmed facts. A new parameter has been
introduced, the roughness shape factor Fr, which physically
determines the speed level in the zone of the boundary with a rough wall. The
numerical value of the shape factor depends on the shape and geometry of the
roughness projections. The hydraulic characteristic of a channel with arbitrary
roughness depends not only on the number of Re and the relative height of the
protrusions Δ/d, but also on the value of the shape factor Fr. Using
the model, a equation for calculating the coefficient of hydraulic resistance
of pipes with sand roughness on the wall in all areas of the turbulent flow of
the coolant is obtained. For a wide range of relative heights of projections,
the difference from the experimental data of I. Nikuradze does not exceed 5 %. A
recommendation has been developed for calculating, in the first approximation,
the coefficient of hydraulic resistance of pipes with natural roughness. The
analysis of the existing calculation formulas for channels with artificial
roughness was carried out, which showed the need for additional research.
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