Authors & Affiliations
Grabezhnaya V.A., Mikheyev A.S., Alekhin A.V.
A.I. Leipunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
Grabezhnaya V.A. – Leading Researcher, Cand. Sci. (Tech.). Contacts: 1, pl. Bondarenko, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249033. Tel.: +7 (484) 399-86-86; e-mail:
Mikheyev A.S. – Senior Researcher.
Alekhin A.V. – Lead Systems Engineer, A.I. Leipunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering.
Since the middle of the last century power
units of nuclear power plants with fast reactors cooled by liquid metal have
been created, built, and operated in the world. Steam generator (SG) is one of
the main elements of such power units. For more than half a century in the SSC
RF – IPPE at the SPRUT test facility on SG models work is carried out on the
thermal hydraulic justification of steam generators of various reactor plants
heated by different liquid-metals. Single-tube models of sodium-heated steam
generators were tested to justify the evaporators of power units BN-350,
BN-600; lead-heated multi-tube models were tested to justify the BREST-OD-300
SG, as well as single-tube models of sodium-heated steam generators were tested
for new generation reactors of the BN-type. The main purpose of SG testing is
to confirm the design characteristics, substantiate the thermohydraulic
stability of steam generating channels when operating at specified mode parameters.
This paper gives a brief description of the tested SG models, presents the main results obtained
during the tests. It is shown that during the tests, special attention was paid
to the identification of modes with thermohydraulic instability at the
operation of the steam generating channel, the occurrence of which
significantly reduces the service life of the SG.
steam generator, BN-350, BN-600,
BREST-OD-300, sodium, lead, water, one-tube model, fragment model,
thermohydraulic stability, heat transfer, longitudinal flow, transverse flow,
basic oxygen mode, lead on the oxygen saturation line
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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25. Grabezhnaya V.A., Mikheyev A.S., Stein Yu.Yu., Semchenkov A.A. Ispytaniya trekhtrubnoy sektsii modeli parogeneratora BREST [Tests of the three-tube section of the BREST steam generator model]. Trudy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii “Teplofizicheskiye eksperimental'nyye i raschetno-teoreticheskiye issledovaniya v obosnovaniye kharakteristik i bezopasnosti yadernykh reaktorov na bystrykh neytronakh (Teplofizika-2012)” [Proc. Sci. Tech. Conf. “Thermophysical Experimental and Computational-Theoretical Studies in Substantiation of the Characteristics and Safety of Fast Nuclear Reactors (Thermophysics-2012)”]. Obninsk, 2013, vol. 1, pp. 100–109.
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33. Grabezhnaya V.A., Kryukov A.E., Mikheyev A.S., Stein Yu.Yu. Nekotoryye rezul'taty issledovaniya modeli vitogo parogeneratora, obogrevayemogo svintsom [Some results of the study of a model of a twisted steam generator heated by lead]. Trudy chetvertoy konferentsii “Tyazhelyye zhidkometallicheskiye teplonositeli v yadernykh tekhnologiyakh (TZHMT-2013)” [Proc. 4th conf. “Heavy liquid metal coolants in nuclear technologies (HLMCNT-2013)”]. Obninsk, 2014, vol. 1, pp. 139–152.
34. Grabezhnaya V.A., Mikheyev A.S. Teplogidravlicheskiye ispytaniya mnogotrubnoy modeli parogeneratora v rezhime chastichnykh parametrov [Thermal hydraulic tests of a multitube model of a steam generator in the mode of partial parameters]. Voprosy atomnoy nauki i tekhniki. Seriya: Yaderno-reaktornyye konstanty – Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2017, no. 3, pp. 177–186. Available at: (accessed 20.04.2022).
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39. Parfenov A.S., Grabezhnaya V.A., Mikheev A.S. Issledovaniye teploobmena pri poperechnom obtekanii tyazhelym teplonositelem puchka parogeneriruyushchikh trub [Investigation of heat transfer in the case of transverse flow around a bundle of heat transfer tubes by a heavy coolant]. Trudy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii “Teplofizika reaktorov na bystrykh neytronakh (Teplofizika-2014)” [Proc. Sci. Tech. Conf. “Thermal physics of fast reactors (Thermophysics-2014)”]. Obninsk, 2015, vol. 1, pp. 173–180.
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41. Grabezhnaya V.A., Mikheyev A.S. Vliyaniye soderzhaniya kisloroda na teploobmen pri poperechnom obtekanii parogeneriruyushchikh trub tyazhelym zhidkometallicheskim teplonositelem [Effect of Oxygen Content on Heat Transfer in Steam-Generating Tubes in Transverse Flow of Heavy Liquid-Metal Coolant]. Atomnaya energiya – Atomic Energy, 2019, vol. 127, no. 4, pp. 207–215. DOI:
UDC 524.4:621.39.58