Kazantsev A.A., Yuriev Yu.S., Supotnitskaya O.V., Astakhova N.E.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The work presents a method for obtaining a
system of equations of fluid dynamics in a porous body approximation designed
to calculate the reactor core of nuclear power plants and heat exchangers. In
computational fluid dynamics, there is a separate area in which, instead of the
Navier – Stokes equations, a calculation technique is used that uses the
approximation of a porous body for bundles of heat exchanger rods, or for fuel
rod assemblies of reactor core of nuclear power plants. At the same time, the
equations of fluid dynamics in a porous body approximation have evolved from
the equations of nonlinear filtration in an anisotropic porous body to a modern
form. Additionally, the effects of some physical phenomena in the tube bundles
are taken into account: the influence of inertial forces that noticeably
disturb the picture of the flow; significant effects of the attached mass to
the “skeleton” of the porous body, inter-channel interaction in the connected
channels; a significant contribution of volumetric resistance forces; a
significant influence of Archimedes force in natural convection in
non-isothermal flow; near the boundaries of the rod bundle – tube board, local
resistance forces and pressure losses additionally arise due to a sharp change
in the porosity of the medium, local inertial forces arise due to a
restructuring of the flow structure due to a change in porosity. This results
in addition of five additional terms in the original nonlinear filtering
equation. Resistance anisotropy is manifested due to a significant difference
in resistance coefficients during the longitudinal, radial and axial flow of
the tube bundle. Dimensionless complexes, effective Reynolds, Euler numbers,
Archimedes number, dimensionless temperature, other similarity numbers used in
the dimensionless form of the equations of fluid dynamics in the porous body
approximation are discussed. The presented method is used to record the general
form of the equations of fluid dynamics in the porous body approximation and is
used in computer programs such as GRIF, and MASKA-LM in the JSC “SSC RF – IPPE”.
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