Gulevich A.V., Gurskaya O.S., Dekusar V.M., Moseev A.L.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
It is economically justified to close the NFC of a two-component NES is the construction of at least 6–9 power units with a BN-1200M reactor. At the same time, due to the fact that no shortage of plutonium is expected by the planned time of the BN-1200M reactor commissioning (2031), it is advisable to postpone the processing of BN-1200M spent nuclear fuel until the mid-1950s while its storage. This approach reduces capital and fuel costs. It is expedient to start full-scale reprocessing of BN SNF after 2050 at centralized fuel facilities, when it can be expected that the amount of SNF from fast reactors will be sufficient to significantly reduce the unit cost of its reprocessing. The paper proposes a phased scheme of the initial stage of transition to a two-component nuclear energy system with fast reactors of the BN type and VVER thermal reactors with NFC closure. As a result of the proposed measures, LUFC is reduced from 22.5 mills/kW·h for the head power unit to 7.4 mills/kW·h for serial power units.
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