The development of single-loop plants is of interest for SCWR design, since single-loop SCWR plants are economically preferable. The experience of creating and operating single-loop plants with a boiling coolant and with nuclear superheating of steam and direct supply of superheated steam to the turbine (VK-50, RBMK, AMB-100 and AMB-200 reactors) is considered in relation to its use in creating a water-cooled reactor with supercritical coolant parameters (SCWR). The description of single-loop plants development will interested for SCWR project. At the reactors, in addition to generating electricity and heat, as well as gaining operational experience, a significant number of tests of various fuel compositions were performed (more than 40 fuel compositions). The water-chemical regime of power units in thermal power engineering and single-circuit reactor installations, which provides relatively small deposits on the surfaces of the turbine flow path, as well as questions about the radiation situation and deactivation of the circuit, are also considered.
The solution to minimize 60Co by limiting its content in the structural materials used, which has found application both in single-loop and double-loop plants, is an example of how to take measures at the design stage to limit the activation of structural materials and reduce the dose load on personnel. In addition to minimizing the content of cobalt, it is of interest to analyze the activation of other elements with a limitation of their content in the starting material, as is done in the case of the use of cobalt in steels.
Despite the solution of the issue of “suppression of radiolysis in a boiling water reactor”, apparently, this issue remains relevant in the design of both single-loop and double-loop SCWRs. Methods for solving this issue have also been worked out in boiling water reactors and reactors with nuclear steam superheating. On the prototype SCWR, it is advisable to confirm or clarify the applicability of the method used.
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