The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies of methods for measuring the coolant level in relation to promising fast neutron reactor installations with a heavy liquid metal coolant (lead coolant and lead-bismuth eutectic alloy) having an integrated layout, as well as bench and experimental circulation and static installations. This review shows the insufficient reliability and accuracy of existing methods and instruments.
The team of authors proposed promising methods for measuring the level of lead or lead-bismuth coolant for the conditions of the circulation circuits of reactor and bench installations.
A number of experimental studies have been carried out to confirm the use of the reflex-radar method for measuring the lead and lead-bismuth coolants level in a container with sufficient simplicity of the method and its implementation. At the same time, it is planned to carry out work on the development and manufacture of a prototype and its development on a circulation stand with lead-bismuth coolant during resource tests, close to the conditions of a real reactor plant.
A method of float-discrete measurement of the heavy liquid metal coolant level using sealed magnetically controlled contacts as sensitive elements registering the level in the magnetic field of a permanent magnet on the surface of a heavy liquid metal coolant is proposed. This method is even simpler, but it has difficulties in maintaining the integrity of sealed magnetically controlled contacts at high temperatures of a heavy liquid metal coolant.
Thus, the team of authors proposed and worked out sufficiently accurate, technologically advanced and reliable methods for measuring the coolant level of fast neutron reactor installations, bench and experimental installations with heavy liquid metal heat carriers.
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