Devkina E.V., Suslov I.R.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
Devkina E .V. – Researcher. Contacts: 1, Bondarenko, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249033. Tel.: +7 (484) 399-45-53; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Suslov I.R. – Leading Researcher, Cand. Sci (Phys.-Math.).
This work is presented to comparison of numerical techniques for shielding calculation of transport containers. One of main tasks in handiling such object is to assess the radiation impact on personnel and the environment. Calculation of the shielding of transport containers is a deep penetration problem. Such problems are calculated by the Monte Carlo method using variance reduction techniques. To verify the calculation techniques, the results of benchmark calculations are used. The result of test model calculations help to solve the problems that appear in the calculation of radiation shielding and help to choose the most effective calculation method. Benchmark analysis results can be transferred to real shielding designs.
The report presents the results of calculations of a 2D benchmark of the shielding of transport containers for spent fuel with gamma from fission products. Calculations were performed by the Monte Carlo method with variance reduction techniques: forced collision, geometry splitting and Russian roulette and weight window produced by MAGIC (Method of Automatic Generation of Importances by Calculation). Comparision of the calculation results. Gamma dose rates are presented.
transport container, Monte Carlo method, benchmark, 2D benchmark, variance reduction technique, forced collision, geometry splitting and Russian roulette, weight window, MAGIC (Method of Automatic Generation of Importances by Calculation, relative error, dose rate
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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5. Chernov S.V., Son’ko A.V., Horomskij V.A. Raschot poley izlucheniy metodom iteratsiy “vesovykh okon” v proyekte ASMM 10/100 kVt. Tezisy dokladov 10-y yubileynoy Rossiyskoy konferentsii “Radiatsionnaya zashchita i radiatsionnaya bezopasnost' v yadernykh tekhnologiyakh” [Proc. of the 10th Anniversary Russian Conference “Radiation Protection and Radiation Safety in Nuclear Technologies”]. Moscow-Obninsk, 2015, pp. 9–10.
6. Devkina E.V. Osobennosti provedeniya raschotov metodom Monte-Karlo dvumernoy testovoy modeli zashchity TUK dlya otrabotavshego yadernogo topliva [Features of Monte Carlo calculations for a two dimensional benchmark for shielding of transport and packaging containers for spent nuclear fuel]. Preprint FEI-3283 – Preprint IPPE-3283. Obninsk, IPPE Publ., 2018.
UDC 621.039.7+519.245
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2022, no. 4, 4:2