To determine a structure and competitiveness level of a nuclear energy system (NES) the system investigations were conducted. The approach considered the integrated technical, economic, ecologic, infrastructure features. It was showed that the two component NES with closed nuclear fuel cycle has advantages on the single component NES with open nuclear fuel cycle under different scenario of their development.
A two component NES is a system consisting of BN fast reactors and thermal WWER. In such a system, nuclear materials are exchanged in a closed nuclear fuel cycle through the recycling of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and the manufacture of fresh fuel for nuclear power plants for the production of electricity and some other materials to improve the quality of life of mankind and general sustainability. A closed fuel cycle provides saving of natural uranium, the amount of spent spent fuel is reduction. In some scenarios of the development of a nuclear power system, a two-component nuclear energy system completely “recycles” a previously existing SNF warehouse that had the status of waste of the so-called once-throug fuel cycle or open cycle of nuclear power. Some of the elements of the two-component system have been commercially matured, these are VVER thermal reactors and the entire fuel infrastructure, BN reactors exist in the form of demonstration samples, these are BN-600, BN-800. There are also separate lines of enterprises for the processing of SNF and the manufacture of fresh MOX fuel.
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