Authors & Affiliations
Vasyaev A.V.1, Gulevich A.V.2, Dyagilev A.M.3, Egorov S.V.3, Kamaev A.A.2, Kerekesha A.V.1, Marova E.V.1, Peregudov А.А.2, Troyanov V.M.2, Shepelev S.F.1, Yashkin A.V.3
1 Afrikantov OKBM JSC, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2 A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
3 JSC “Atomenergoproekt”, Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Vasyaev A.V. – Deputy General Director – General Designer, Chief of the BN-1200 Responsibility Centre.
Kerekesha A.V.– Head of Department.
Marova E.V. – Leader of BN R&D direction, Cand. Sci. (Tech.). Contacts: 15, Burnakovsky proyezd, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 603074. Tel: +7 (831) 241-03-97; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Shepelev S.F. – Chief designer of BN reactor plant, Cand. Sci. (Tech.).
Gulevich A.V. – Head of reactor physics Department, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.).
Kamaev A.A. – Head of technical engineering Department, Cand. Sci. (Tech.).
Peregudov A.A. – Head of reactor safety Department, Cand. Sci. (Tech.).
Troyanov V.M. – Scientific leader, Dr. Sci. (Tech.).
Dyagilev A.M. – Chief Project Engineer.
Yegorov S.V. – Director for Science and Innovations.
Yashkin A.V. – Director for the design of advanced nuclear power plants and
special facilities – Chief of the responsibility center “Proryv”.
To determine a structure and competitiveness level of a nuclear energy system (NES) the system investigations were conducted. The approach considered the integrated technical, economic, ecologic, infrastructure features.
It is shown that under choosing basic technologies for the NES development, it is advisable to rely not only on economic criteria, which is especially important for the medium and long-term periods of its formation. Decision-making is influenced by a large number of trends in the strategic formation of energy systems, including changes in the global market, the composition of nuclear and non-nuclear technologies.
The advantages of a two-component nuclear power plant with a closed nuclear fuel cycle over a single-component nuclear power plant with an open nuclear fuel cycle under various strategies of their development are demonstrated.
The existing structure of nuclear power plants with thermal neutron reactors and the volume of spent fuel accumulated during their operation are the driving forces of the transitional stage of the formation of the structure of a two-component NES with thermal and fast reactors. The introduction of fast reactor technologies removes the restriction on the resource base throughout the consideration depth of the development of nuclear power plants scenarios.
The closure of the NFC and the reduction of natural uranium consumption in Russia provides an opportunity for its export to the foreign market, as well as expands the potential for providing services at the final stage of the NFC for the management of SNF and RW. Reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel of foreign consumers without returning plutonium to them in the form of uranium-plutonium fuel makes it possible to increase the volume/growth rate of nuclear generation in the Russian Federation.
fast neutron reactor with sodium coolant (BN-type reactor), BN-1200M nuclear power plant (NPP), competitiveness, construction decision, capital investments, reactor plant (RP), justification of technical solutions, research and development work (R&D work), closing of nuclear fuel cycle, main circulating pump (MCP)
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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UDC 621.039.5
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2022, no. 4, 4:7