Sorokin A.P., Alekseev V.V., Ivanov A.P., Kuzina Yu.A.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The results of exploratory computational and experimental studies aimed at shaping the appearance, design and technological solutions of a high-temperature reactor facility with a sodium-cooled fast neutron reactor for the production of electricity with high efficiency (40–50 %), hydrogen and other innovative applications are presented. An integral layout of the main equipment of the primary circuit in the reactor tank with the main and safety vessels is proposed, which contributes to the achievement of a high level of safety and makes it possible to exclude the boxes of auxiliary systems of the primary circuit. The scheme of the reactor plant provides the possibility of both the production of electricity and hydrogen based on the use of solid oxide water electrolysis technology, as well as the implementation of important technological processes in the gasification and liquefaction of coal, advanced oil refining, the conversion of biomass into liquid fuel, in the chemical industry, metallurgy and etc. The temperature of the sodium coolant at the outlet of the core in these reactors reaches 900–950°C. The performed conceptual studies on the choice of the appearance of a high-temperature fast sodium reactor in compliance with safety requirements have shown that the creation of such a reactor is a complex, but real technical problem. The relative small size, the type of coolant, the choice of fissile material and structural materials make it possible to create a reactor with its inherent properties. The fundamental problems are the creation of a sodium coolant technology at high temperatures and hydrogen concentrations for long-term resources, as well as the use of heat-resistant radiation-resistant high-temperature structural materials, ensuring their corrosion resistance when the oxygen content in the sodium coolant is at the level of 0.1 PPM.
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