Authors & Affiliations
Aliunin A.G., Khalutin A.A., Lyakishev S.L.
JSC OKB “GIDROPRESS”, Podolsk, Russia
Aliunin A.G. – Engineer. Contacts: 21, Ordzhonikidze Street, Podolsk, Moscow region, Russia, 142103. Tel.: +7 (496) 765-29-56; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Khalutin A.A. – Head of the Group.
Lyakishev S.L. – Head of Department, JSC OKB “GIDROPRESS”.
As the experience of operation steel grade 10KH2M is subjected to pitting corrosion from evaporated water, which leads to limitation of the temperature of high pressure steam. The article considers the change thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the evaporator and superheater in case of changing structural material of heat-exchanging tubes to steel grade 07Х12HMBF which will increase the service life of the steam generator modules. When calculating the heat exchange surface of the evaporator, the following areas were identified: water convection, wall boiling, developed nucleate boiling, degraded heat transfer and steam overheating. To calculate the superheater heat exchange surface the interval linearization method was used. The results of calculating the heat exchange area are presented. Changes in pressure losses along the paths of the coolant and the working fluid are analyzed. Thermal and hydraulic calculations confirm the possibility of using steel grade 07Х12HMBF in replacing modules of PGN-272, that will significantly increase service life.
once-through steam generator, liquid sodium, evaporator, superheater, structural material, heat-exchanging tubes, thermal-hydraulic calculation, pressure loss, replacing modules
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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UDC 621.039.53
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2022, no. 4, 4:14