Egorov M.Yu., Isanov K.A.
Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Saint Petersburg, Russia
The concept of a heavy-water thorium-uranium breeder reactor on thermal neutrons is considered. A neutron-physical calculation is carried out for a model of a fuel assembly of infinite dimensions of a conventional design and with a grid of displacers. A one-dimensional diffusion calculation method has been implemented in a twenty-six group approximation, constants have been prepared taking into account heterogeneous resonance effects, using the NJOY software package. The intermediate results are compared with the Serpent-2 precision software package, which is based on the Monte-Carlo method. The effective multiplication coefficient, the reproduction coefficient, as well as the operating spectrum in the reactor are calculated. Neutron fluxes and their corresponding thermal capacities are determined for the given sizes of the core. The nuclide dynamics is calculated for neutron fluxes normalized to the corresponding power levels. The change in the effective multiplication coefficient during the campaign for different levels of neutron power is determined. The protactinium effect characteristic of the thorium-uranium cycle with an increased reproduction coefficient is analyzed. The relationship between the protactinium effect and the neutron power level has been established and analyzed. The paper considers the general concept of spectral regulation. Possible methods of spectral regulation implementation are analyzed. The optimal method of introducing a grid of displacers has been established. The multiplication coefficient is calculated at the beginning of the campaign with the grid of displacers introduced to the full depth. The total compensating capacity of the displacer grid is determined. The integral compensating ability from the depth of immersion of the displacer grid into the core is determined. Based on the integral compensating ability of the displacer grid, the rate of lattice rise during the campaign is determined by the calculated equality of the reactivity increment due to burnout and release due to lattice rise. The multiplication coefficients were recalculated during the campaign in cases with spectral maneuvering. The effects of increasing the duration of the campaign are determined. The dependence of the effect of increasing the duration of the campaign with spectral regulation on the neutron power is estimated.
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