Authors & Affiliations
Trofimchuk V.V., Nasonov V.A., Pesnya Yu.E., Kruglikov A.E., Mikhin O.V.
National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
Trofimchuk V.V. – Researcher. Contacts: 1, Academician Kurchatov pl., Moscow, Russia, 123182. Tel.: +7 (917) 574-13-08; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Nasonov V.A. – Deputy Head of Department.
Pesnya Yu.E. – Head of Laboratory.
Kruglikov A.E. – Senior Researcher.
Mikhin O.V. – Head of Laboratory.
The paper presents an improved approach to the computational determination of the energy release from the absorption of gamma radiation in ampoule rigs with structural materials used in irradiation experiments based on the IR-8 reactor. Radiation studies of structural materials behavior at the IR-8 experimental base is part of a comprehensive work to justify the possibility of extending the service life of VVER reactor pressure vessels. During the irradiation of ampoule rigs, it is necessary to control the temperature and the set of fast neutrons fluence in the samples. The temperature regime in ampoule rigs is maintained by a combination of energy release from the absorption of gamma radiation and electric heaters. Temperature control in the ampoule rig is carried out by thermocouples embedded in a cage. There is a temperature difference between the samples and the cage. Due to the unevenness of energy release from gamma radiation along the height and radius of the samples, temperature gradients can occur, which can lead to local overheating. Using the developed detailed model of the IR-8 reactor and the MCU-PTR program, a computational determination of the energy release in ampoule rigs due to the absorption of gamma radiation was carried out, the results were used in thermal-hydraulic calculations of temperature fields using CFD codes. In calculations of energy release from gamma radiation, both instantaneous and delayed components of radiation are taken into account. The contribution of delayed gamma radiation to the total energy release in ampoule rigs with structural materials was estimated.
IR-8, irradiation experiments, ampoule devices, structural materials, radiation energy release, gamma radiation, delayed radiation
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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UDC 621.039.5
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2023, no. 2, 2:9